Faith Works James Final Message

Faith Works – James

#1 Do I allow the trials of my life to develop perseverance?   James 1:1-12


#2 Do I find joy in obeying the Word of God or do I merely study it or learn it?   James 1:22-25


#3 Are there any prejudices that shackle me?   James 2:1-9


#4 Do I eagerly look for ways to act on what I believe?   James 2:14-25


#5 Am I able to control my tongue?  James 3:1-12


#6 Do I live my life by heavenly wisdom?   James 3:13-18


#7 Am I a friend of God or a friend of the world?  James 4:1-10


#8 Do I make plans without considering the will of God?  James 4:13-17


#9 Am I a faithful steward of all God has blessed me with?   James 5:1-6


#10 Do I naturally trust God in prayer when I find myself in trouble?  James 5:13-18