Revelation 9:13-21

Revelation 9:13-21

Revelation 9:13-21


#1 The Sixth Trumpet: UNLEASHED Army   Revelation 9:13-15


#2 WORLD-WIDE Devastation   Revelation 9:16-19


#3 HARDENED Hearts Remain   Revelation 9:20-21


#4 The BEAUTY of Repentance   2 Peter 3:9


The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.



Revelation 9:1-12 Spiritual Warfare

Revelation 9:1-12 Spiritual Warfare


Revelation 9:1-12

#1 SATANIC Leadership   Revelation 9:1-2

Truth for Today: Spiritual Warfare is Real


#2 STINGING Locust   Revelation 9:3-10

Truth for Today: Our Spiritual Foes wants to destroy us


#3 SOVEREIGN Limitation   Revelation 9:11-12

Truth for Today:  God sets boundaries on the forces of darkness


Winning Spiritual Battles:

  • SHOW Up
  • SUIT Up
  • POWER Up



Revelation 8

Revelation 8


Revelation 8:1-13


#1  The SUPREME Lamb   Revelation 8:1a


#2  SACRED Silence   Revelation 8:1b-2


#3  Supplication and SMOKE   Revelation 8:3-5


#4  SHOCKING Trumpets   Revelation 8:6-12


#5  A SOARING Eagle   Revelation 8:13



Revelation 7

Revelation 7


Revelation 7:1-17


#1  God’s Supreme POWER    Revelation 7:1-2


#2  God’s Sure PROTECTION   Revelation 7:3-8


#3  Eternity-Shaping PROCLAMATION   Revelation 7:9-14


#4  A Glorious PICTURE of Heaven   Revelation 7:15-17



Revelation 6 – The Seals

Revelation 6 – The Seals

Revelation – The Seals

Revelation 6:1-8

#1  The Worthy LAMB   Revelation 6:1a


#2  Some WRONG Ideas about God   Revelation 6:1


#3  The DREADFUL Justice of God   Revelation 6:2-14


1.    FALSE Savior – The White Horse v.2


2.    Fiery CONFLICT – The Red Horse vv.3-4


3.    Financial COLLAPSE – The Black Horse vv.5-6


4.    Full-Scaled CATASTROPHE – The Pale Horse vv.7-8


5.    Faithful Christian MARTYRS – vv.9-11


6.    Fractured CREATION – vv.12-14


#4  The STRENGTH to Stand   Revelation 6:15-17; 1 Thessalonians 5:9-11



Revelation 6:1-8

Revelation 6:1-8


Revelation 6:1-8


#1  The Worthy LAMB   Revelation 6:1a


#2  Some WRONG Ideas about God   Revelation 6:1


#3  The DREADFUL Justice of God   Revelation 6:2-8


  1. FALSE Savior – The White Horse v.2


  1. Fiery CONFLICT – The Red Horse vv.3-4


  1. Financial COLLAPSE – The Black Horse vv.5-6


  1. Full-Scaled CATASTROPHE – The Pale Horse vv.7-8


#4 Being Ready for What Comes NEXT



Back to Revelation

Back to Revelation

Back to Revelation

Revelation 1:19; Revelation 4:1-6; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18


#1  What John WITNESSED   Revelation 1:19a


#2  What is NOW: The Church Age   Revelation 1:19b


#3  What Will Take Place LATER   Revelation 1:19c


16 For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. 17After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever. 18 Therefore encourage one another with these words.

1 Thessalonians 4:16-18 (NIV)




Summer in the Psalms 150

Summer in the Psalms 150

Summer in the Psalms

Psalm 150:1-6

#1  HALLELUJAH   Psalm 150:1


#2  LOCATION of Praise   Psalm 150:1


#3  REASONS to Praise Him   Psalm 150:2


#4 EXPRESSIONS of Praise   Psalm 150:3-6


#5 INVITATION to Praise the Lord   Psalm 150:6b



Summer in the Psalms 42

Summer in the Psalms 42

Summer in the Psalms

Psalm 42:1-5


#1  Our God-Shaped VACUUM     Psalm 42:1-2


#2  Dreaded DIET of Despair     Psalm 42:3


#3  Drink DEEP and Your Soul will Be Satisfied     Psalm 42:4-5


These things I remember
    as I pour out my soul:
how I used to go to the house of God
    under the protection of the Mighty One
with shouts of joy and praise
    among the festive throng.

Why, my soul, are you downcast?
    Why so disturbed within me?
Put your hope in God,
    for I will yet praise him,
    my Savior and my God.

Psalm 42:4-5 (NIV)


  1. RELEASE Your Cares to God v.4a


  1. REMEMBER The Faithfulness of God v. 4b


  1. REORDER Your Hope v.5b


  1. REFOCUS Your Life on God v.5c



Summer in the Psalms 32

Summer in the Psalms 32

Summer in the Psalms – Happy!

Psalm 32

#1  HAPPY to be Clean   Psalm 32:1-2


#2  BURDENED to be Disciplined   Psalm 32:3-4


#3  CONFESSION Leads to Forgiveness and Freedom   Psalm 32:5


#4  PRAYER is the Essential Connection   Psalm 32:6-7


#5  SAFETY is Found in Surrender   Psalm 32:8-9


#6  Let the CELEBRATION Begin!      Psalm 32:10-11

